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3 Ways Good Leads Will Enhance Your Business

February 6, 2017
3 Ways Good Leads Will Enhance Your Business
What is a “Good Lead?” Good leads is someone who is already familiar with who you are as a company, knows what you provide, has need for what you provide, and is ready to purchase. In essence, this is the person who will become a customer today or in the very near future and this […]
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February 6, 2017
5 Tips for Closing Good Leads
In the interest of growing your business and your sales, it is important to have a plan to closing good leads that come into your business. Here are 5 tips for closing these leads and moving the needle of your success.
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February 6, 2017
5 Steps to Attract Good Leads
Attracting good leads can be an important aspect of growing your business online. So, making all of the necessary efforts to attract them is also very important. In this article, I will go over 5 steps to make sure that your lead generation campaign starts out on the right foot.
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February 6, 2017
9 Reasons Inbound Strategies Are Not Your Father’s Sales Tools
We all know that inbound is sweeping the internet, but why should companies use inbound methodologies? Why are the old sales tools methods not working like they used to? To answer this, we developed a list of 9 differences that make inbound tactics more superior sales tools than those of your father’s! Luke, these are […]
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February 6, 2017
Why Yesterday’s Sales Tools Are Not Working
What Are Yesterday’s Sales Tools? When asked about successful selling today, cold calling is not at the top of the list. However, in the past, it would have easily ranked top. Why the change? Well, today people are extremely turned off by sales people and cold calling. It used to be that having a sales […]
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February 6, 2017
How Lead Indicators Can Be One of Your Best Sales Tools
What Are Lead Indicators? As technology advances, we are able to evolve and refine the sales process more and more and our sales tools are able to become more sophisticated. Online web traffic has obviously became a more prominent marketing avenue and leads are increasingly converting on our websites. So, it makes sense to segment […]
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February 2, 2017
Sales Tools — Inbound Overview
Introduction to Inbound Over the last couple of weeks, Blue Phoenix has came out with a series of blog posts geared around sales tools for companies who want to generate warm leads, as well as manage their lead flow better while freeing up their sales team to focus on the sales funnel less and more […]
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February 2, 2017
Sales Tools — Inbound Management
What is Inbound Management? If you are like most businesses, finding time to consistently do blogging, social media updates, keyword research, and other marketing activities can be difficult amidst your everyday work-flow. Hiring an agency to handle this can alleviate your schedule so that you can focus on what you do as a company. You […]
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February 2, 2017
Sales Tools — Marketing Platform
What is a Marketing Platform? Depending on which company you ask, you could get a different answer about what a marketing platform entails. So, to make this more succinct, I am going to tell you what it should be: A marketing platform is software that encompasses lead generation, social media, contact databases, email marketing, blogging, […]
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February 2, 2017
Sales Tools — Marketing Automation
Why Marketing Automation? Marketing automation is one of your most time-saving sales tools, because it allows you to keep your sales funnel moving while salespeople focus on managing the pipeline. Automation not only allows you to move leads down the funnel, but also create what-if scenarios for when a lead seems to be not interested. […]
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