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How Do I Quickly Evaluate My Digital Marketing?

February 9, 2017
How Do I Quickly Evaluate My Digital Marketing?
Online marketing has become a necessity in order to help all businesses succeed. Simply posting a blog every once in a while or updating your social media status when you have time isn’t going to cut it. It takes consistency, patience, and continually evaluating your results to be successful. So, if you have ever asked […]
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February 9, 2017
Should I Hire A Digital Marketing Agency?
Deciding whether or not to hire a marketing agency can be a huge decision for many companies. Before we look at the perks of hiring an agency, lets take a look at the alternative.
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February 9, 2017
My Digital Marketing Needs Help! (What do I do?)
“Aggghhh! My digital marketing needs help!” I hear this a lot actually and for good reason. Companies need to make money, but they are busy doing what they do daily. Usually people lack the knowledge to market their business or they are simply too busy. While I cannot help the busy part much, I can […]
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February 9, 2017
What Makes a Digital Marketing Agency Different from In-House?
Is it worth it to hire an agency? In the quest for increased sales while maintaining higher profit margins, the question typically comes up, “should I hire a digital marketing agency?” Ultimately, this becomes a matter of budgeting and an analysis of in-house logistics. On one hand, your business needs the marketing, but perhaps it […]
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February 7, 2017
Embracing the Benefits of a Website and Escaping the Small Business Mindset
The nature of what I call the ‘small business mindset’ (at least as it relates to websites) is the tendency to not know benefits of a website by not knowing what to do with a website and utilize it as a powerful tool for the business. It is in this thinking that many small businesses stay […]
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February 7, 2017
Web Design Boston — Increasing Mass eCommerce
This post is centered around web design and eCommerce in Boston, but most of the points can be useful regardless of where you live. If you do live in Boston, you may benefit more if you read ”Greater Impact in the Bay State” before reading this.
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February 7, 2017
How Responsive Web Design Can Enhance Your Mobile Reach
Understanding your customers is important to reaching them. So, with that in mind, we should have a fairly good idea of how responsive web design affects our marketing and customer acquisition. More specifically, we should know the effects of our mobile culture on our bottom line.
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February 7, 2017
7 Benefits of a Website to a Small Business
As the internet becomes increasingly prevalent in our society, small businesses need to understand what the benefits of a website and the internet are, as well as how to align themselves to reap the benefits alongside their larger colleagues and competitors. Over the next 10 or 20 years, being online will become more and more […]
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February 7, 2017
Why Choose a Responsive Web Design Company
So you know that you need to get rid of that dinosaur that you’ve been referring to as your website, but things have changed a lot since you last purchased a website. What has changed/what is responsive? And why should you use responsive? Will my marketing suffer if I don’t choose a responsive web design […]
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February 7, 2017
Sensitive Data & Getting a Marketing Analysis
On the quest to grow your business, perhaps you find yourself being a bit cautious about how many cards you are willing to show to get the answers you seek. Competitive businesses, businesses with sensitive data, and businesses that simply want to keep their numbers private are often worried about this when discussing the state […]
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