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Inbound marketing is replacing the strategy of outbound marketing. It is a new way to market, where instead of pitching to customers, you are having them come to you. Most customers being bombarded with outbound marketing strategies aren’t paying much attention. When you think about how rarely you open your junk mail, or actually watch commercials on TV, or even read articles that have too many ads on them, its no wonder Inbound marketing is becoming the most effective marketing strategy. (more…)

Online marketing has become a necessity in order to help all businesses succeed. Simply posting a blog every once in a while or updating your social media status when you have time isn’t going to cut it. It takes consistency, patience, and continually evaluating your results to be successful. So, if you have ever asked yourself, “How effective is my digital marketing?” here are some ways you can take a look at your online marketing efforts to determine what is working for your business. (more…)

“Aggghhh! My digital marketing needs help!” I hear this a lot actually and for good reason. Companies need to make money, but they are busy doing what they do daily. Usually people lack the knowledge to market their business or they are simply too busy. While I cannot help the busy part much, I can help with the knowledge! Let’s dive in! (more…)

Attracting good leads can be an important aspect of growing your business online. So, making all of the necessary efforts to attract them is also very important. In this article, I will go over 5 steps to make sure that your lead generation campaign starts out on the right foot. (more…)

We all know that inbound is sweeping the internet, but why should companies use inbound methodologies? Why are the old sales tools methods not working like they used to? To answer this, we developed a list of 9 differences that make inbound tactics more superior sales tools than those of your father’s! Luke, these are not your father’s sales tools! (more…)

Using relevant hashtags can make or break your social marketing campaign. If you are not using hashtags, now is a good time to start. But where to start …

First, if you are already marketing on social media, then you probably see many posts from competitors. If you are not, download an app like Perch or use Hootsuite to find your competitors and keep tabs on what they are doing. As you are doing this, take note of what hashtags they are using to get in front of customers. Most likely, they are using hashtags that are relevant to your industry and, more importantly, relevant to your customers. (more…)

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